Title: Improving distance learning through collaborative and live coding
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger, Karen Kear and Jon Rosewell
Title: Adaptive IoT-based Software for Food Security
Supervisors: Andrea Zisman and Amel Bennaceur
Title: On Quantum Theoretic Information Retrieval
Supervisors: Yijun Yu, Dawei Song, and Shailey Minocha
Title: On Retrieval of Multimodal Information
Supervisors: Yijun Yu, Dawei Song, and Shailey Minocha
Title: On Deep Learning for Digital Forensics
Supervisors: Yijun Yu, Chitra Balakrishna, and Blaine Price
Title: On Anti-Forensics for UAVs
Supervisors: Yijun Yu, Ian Kennedy, and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: The Predictive Potential of Police Operating Models: How complex systems theory can support a data-driven simulation of police policy to improve efficiency.
Supervisors: Jeff Johnson and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Mobile Analytics for Software Quality Improvement
Supervisors: Arosha Bandara and Yijun Yu
Title: Using wearable haptics in pervasive healthcare for rehabilitation of individuals with gait abnormalities
Supervisors: Blaine Price and Simon Holland
Title: A framework for the systematic evaluation of malware forensic tools
Superviors: Arosha Bandara and and Blaine Price
Title: Software architecture analysis to predict project risks
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger and Andrea Zisman
Title: Adaptive Systems in the Context of Systems of System
Superviors: Arosha Bandara and Andrea Zisman
Title: Adaptive Interfaces for Resilient Care Provision in Smart Homes
Supervisors: Arosha Bandara, Blaine Price, and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Assessing the effect of source code characteristics on changeability
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger, Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Model-Based Analysis of Role-Based Access Control
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger, Yijun Yu
Title: The early assessment of system performance in distributed real-time systems
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger, Yijun Yu, Adrian Jackson, Pat Allen, Jan Jürjens
Title: Analysing the Resolution of Security Bugs in Software Maintenance
Supervisors: Yijun Yu and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Engineering Adaptive Model-Driven User Interfaces for Enterprise Applications
Supervisors: Yijun Yu and Arosha Bandara
Title: Vulnerability Identification Errors in Security Risk Assessments
Supervisors: Yijun Yu, Jan Jurjens, and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Analysing the requirements for monitoring and switching: A problem-oriented approach
Supervisors: Yijun Yu and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation of Malware Forensic Tools
Supervisors: Arosha Bandara and Blaine Price
Title: Distilling Mobile Privacy Requirements from Qualitative Data
Supervisors: Arosha Bandara, Blaine Price, and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Supporting Location Privacy Management through Feedback and Control
Supervisors: Arosha Bandara, Blaine Price, and Bashar Nuseibeh
Title: Investigating the Role of Digital Technologies for Assistance in Diabetes Self-Management
Supervisors: Blaine Price and Simon Holland
Title: Wearability Design for Biometric Devices for Animals
Supervisors: Clara Mancini and Blaine Price
Title: End user Development for Analytics
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger, Tony Hirst, and Santi Phithakkitnukoon
Title: Improving Information Retrieval-based Bug Localisation using Contextual Heuristics for Software Maintenance
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger Yijun Yu and
Title: Analysing Java Identifier Names
Supervisors: Michel Wermelinger, Yijun Yu, and Helen Sharp