argument: SWIM1 A1 "The ATM system remains secure after introducing AMAN" { supported by F1 "The AMAN system is controlled by a new trustable operator Sequence Manager" F2 "Sequence Manager reports to Sector Team about sequences" F3 "AMAN interacts with the FDP, CNS, and Meteo services to collect all info" F4 "The actors are interconnected by the SWIM" } A2 "The operator Sequence Manager can be untrustable" round 1 replacing F1 with ! F1{ supported by F5 "The Sequence Manager can have malicious intent"round 1 } A3 "AMAN does not interact with the FDP, CNS and Meteo services to collect all info"round 1 replacing F3 with !F3 { supported by F6 "Sector Team members obtain critica l information unrelated to their tasks"round 1 } A4 "The attackers can get all information" round 1 { supported by F7 "Attackers eavesdrop on the SWIM network" round 1 warranted by DK1 "if Attackers eavesdrop on the SWIM network, they can also get all information"round 1 replacing F3 with F7 -> !F3 } A5 "The sequence manager cannot be malicious" round 2 with F3 { supported by F8 "Sequence Manager has clearance for being malicious" round 2 } A6 "Attackers cannot eaversdrop on the SWIM network" round 2 with !F7 { supported by F9 "RBAC policies will stop unauthorised access" round 2 F10 "RBAC policies are applied" round 2 }